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Historical Chronology of the Oldman River Dam Conflict
Daschuk, J. and G. Marchildon 2006 English

Responsible for about 30% of the total water flow in the SSRB, the Oldman River is important to Aboriginal people, particularly the Peigan First Nation, and farmers in southwest Alberta. This working paper provides a chronology of the various conflicts that have arisen over the diversion and use of the river over the past century, including: 1) the historical background to water management in Alberta, including irrigation that drew upon the Oldman River, from the late 19th century until the 1970s; 2) the opposition to the construction of a dam on the Oldman River by the Peigan First Nation and environmentalists since the 1970s; and 3) conflict since the dam?s construction in 1991?92.

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