Cities will likely experience some of the greatest impacts from climate change mainly because they are concentrations of population, wealth, infrastructure, and communication. Little research has been done to determine how cities might be affected by climate change or what cities should or could do to adapt to climate change.
Resource Category: Summary Documents
Price Happ Case-Summary-05-01-Exploring the impacts of climatechange and adaptation options for boreal forest ecosystems
Observations over the last few decades, and
projections of future climate based on general
circulation model (GCM) simulations, indicate that
significant climate warming will occur within the next
50-100 years in the Canadian Prairie Provinces.
Parisien Kafka Flynn-Summary-05-01-Fire behaviour potential in central Saskatchewan under predicted climate change
This study was made possible with the financial
support of the Prairie Adaptation Research
Collaborative. Daniel Caya and René Laprise of the
Canadian Regional Climate Model team at l’Université
du Québec à Montréal and the Ouranos Consortium
made the CRCM-II data available to the CFS fire
research group. We thank Mike Wotton, Kimberly
Logan, Erin Bosch, of the CFS Great Lakes Forestry
Centre, as well as Peter Englefield, Kerry Anderson,
and Suzanne Lavoie of the CFS Northern Forestry
Centre, for their assistance at various stages of the
project. Saskatchewan Environment is also gratefully
acknowledged for providing data and support.
Nyirfa Harron-Summary-04-02-Assessment of climate change on the agricultural resources of the Canadian Prairies
This study was funded by the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC). Initiated in 2000 from the Government of Canada’s Climate Change
Johnston Nicolichuk-Summary-06-01-Assessing future landscape fire behaviour potential in the Duck Mountains of Manitoba
This summary report provides an overview of the
findings from the Prairie Adaptation Research
Collaborative project, Assessing Future Landscape
Fire Behavior Potential in the Duck Mountains of
Manitoba. The summary report is at the PARC
website ( Click on the link to
“Research Publications” and “Forestry and
Henderson Sauchyn-Summary-08-01-Climate change impacts on Canadas Prairie Provinces a summary of our state of knowledge
Researchers have studied the impacts of climate change
on the Prairie Provinces for several decades. While much
remains to be researched, we now know a considerable
amount about the impacts of climate change. We also have
made advances in understanding our adaptation options.
Henderson Hogg Barrow-The outlook for Sweet Grass Hills Cypress Hills Moose Mountain Spruce Woods and Turtle Mountain
This study is funded and managed by the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC). Initiated in 2000
from the Government of Canada’s Climate Change Action Fund, PARC is an interdisciplinary research network
established to research the potential impacts of climate change on the Canadian Prairie Provinces and develop
appropriate adaptation strategies.
Froese Vandall Henderson-Summary-08-02-Protected area policies and climate change the case of the Prairie Ecozone Saskatchewan
PARC acknowledges the support of Natural Resources Canada, Saskatchewan Environment and the
Saskatchewan Research Council for the above project. Heidi Kessler worked on the managers’ survey and policy
review. Charlene Hudym prepared the final report.
Froese Henderson-Summary-08-03-Exotic tree species as an adaptation option to climate change in the Western Canadian Boreal Forest
PARC acknowledges the support of Natural Resources Canada, Saskatchewan Environment and the
Saskatchewan Research Council for the above project. Generous in-kind contributions of time and materials were
made by SRC and stakeholders from many organizations. Brita Main of PARC contributed to the literature review,
and Charlene Hudym of SRC prepared the report for publication.
Ermine Nilson Sauchyn-Summary-05-04-Isi Askiwan the state of the land Prince Albert Grand Council Elders Forum on Climate Change
This summary report provides an overview of the
findings from the Prairie Adaptation Research
Collaborative project, IsiAskiwan – The State of the
Land: Prince Albert Grand Council Elders’ Forum
on Climate Change. The full report is at the PARC
website ( ). Click on the link to
“research publications” and “Communities/SocioEconomic”.