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Holocene Paleoclimatology in the South Saskatchewan River Basin
Velez, M. 2004 English

The focus of this report is climate variability during the Late Holocene. The reason to focus on the Late Holocene is because the climate of the early and early-mid Holocene was still under the influence of glacial retreat, ice melt and crustal rebound (Last and Teller, 1983; MacDonald and Case, 2000). The great majority of the climate records included in this report come from the study of lake sediments and these lakes have been formed as a consequence of glacial retreats; therefore, the climate signal can be analysed after all the influence from glaciers has ended. This report includes six sections: (1) a summary of the present climate; (2) the main findings from the limnological and palynological records; (3) the climate changes detected by the geomorphogical evidence, mainly dune activity; (4) the changes in biomes as a response to climate change; (5) the general trends of climate change for the last centuries as indicated by tree ring analysis; and (6) a discussion about climate change in the SSRB area.

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