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Project Research Components

Vulnerability Assessment of Rural Communities
Analysis of Water Conflicts and Institutions
Historical Study of Institutional Adaptation
Analysis of Environmental Vulnerabilities
Assessment of Formal Institutions
Climate Change Scenarios
Geospatial Data
Institutional Partners

The project is based on a strong set of partnerships between the universities and a group of public and private organizations.

In Canada, the Canadian Plains Research Center (CPRC) and the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC), and in Chile the Centro de Estudios Regionales (ULS) provide institutional support (office and classroom space, access to computers, clerical support and expertise) for the development of the project. CPRC is a leader in the use of GIS and its expertise is available to all team members. PARC is the first research centre specializing in adaptation to climate change in the Canadian prairies and has accumulated a significant amount of data and expertise in the analysis of impacts of climate change, data and expertise that are available to the project.

The project also has the institutional support of several public and private stakeholders. In Chile major partners are the National Commission of the National Commission of the Environment of Chile (CONAMA), the Centro del Agua para Zonas Aridas y Semiaridas (CAZALAC) (Water Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones) in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Instituto de Ecologia Politica (IEP). These organizations have made available all their expertise and data for the Elqui River Basin, participate in dissemination activities, and provide advice in terms of stakeholders and key informants in the region.

In Canada a key partner is the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA). This branch of Agriculture Canada provides the technical expertise of an engineer who is a specialist in rural water systems, as well as provides advice on technical issues and participates in the dissemination program. Other Canadian partners are Alberta Environment; the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority; the Transboundary Waters Unit/ Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada; and the National Water Research Institute. Their main roles involve participation in the selection of stakeholders and research samples, the establishment of contacts with key informants, and dissemination of results. Representatives of these organizations are invited to participate in those meetings where research and dissemination activities are planned and organized.

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